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Understanding through experiencing

In my final blogpost during my semester in Norway I would like to reflect on the semester in its whole. I think it is very important to reflect on the time I had here because a study abroad is always giving yourself the chance to experience new stuff and by that even change you as a person, also if you don’t notice. A reflection about that is always helping to be aware of what you learned and experienced. This semester presented itself as a completely new field to expe-rience. While knowing about the general topic in advance, called “Outdoor Education and Frilufts-liv”, it was hard to guess exactly what it was about. Especially because we do not use this term in Germany and the Outdoors are so different compared to Norway. And this is what brings me to the point I want to stress in this blogpost. If I would just have read theoretical texts about Friluftsliv and Outdoor Education in Norway, the understanding about that topic would be way different. By doing and experienc...

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